Oh Christmas Tree

So hard to find time to sit and make a post this time of year. Like our whiteboard calender on the fridge is just COVERED with plans. I sort of love it. Even if I'm hungover more than not.

I am reading a really sh*tty book right now though so I'm definitely stalling. I'm halfway through though so should be too painful to finish it up, and boy are you gunna hear about that one.

What I DID find time here to post about was our CHRISTMAS tree. We went a found one today and I never remember how much I love having the tree up until it's that time of year again. I haven't had a real tree since I was very young despite my begging and pleading, but this year Shaun and I decided to spend Christmas morning here together, just the two of us, and I dint have to go work for the first time in what would have been 6 years so I'm f^cking PUMPED for Christmas day. Ill go to any party, buy everyone all the gifts I can afford, bake, countdown, play carols ( love Soma FM's Christmas Lounge, SOOO groovy), and do about everything I can to make this one as awesome as I can.

So I am apologizing for not having a review up in a while, but at the same time wanted to share with you my Christmas cheeeeeer! And I'll leave you with a cute picture of Shaun hauling our tree out of the forest.