The Trouble With Love is...

After not posting anything in quite some time, I've been having... cravings.. yes, cravings to blog again. I love reading and I love talking about books just as much as I love reading them...almost! I've never taken any English classes, or computer classes and clearly don't have a clue about what blogging actually entails.
I'm so sick of all the meme's on blogs and trying to navigate through so many blogs that I cant even remember whose I'm even reading.
I don't know how to get into it, how to network, or how to get the ARC copies of new books to review or anything. I've never even met an author of a book I've loved. I live kinda out in the middle of nowhere, and I like it.

So now I dont know what to do. Do I keep up the blog just as a hobby? Do I try and learn more and really get into it? Do I try vlogging? Or should I just stick to goodreads and reading other people's fabulous blogs, and spending a fair iof time on youtube. I do belong to a book club but the other club members do not have the passion for books the blogging community has. I feel like I belong here!


Juliet Immortal. Finally.

I love it when a book isn't just a couple of pages you picked up and thought you might like. I love it when its more sentimental than that.

When I was still actively book blogging, and checking out that community, I really got a sense of how huge YA books have become, particularly in the paranormal romance genre. This isn't a genre I can really relate to, or even enjoy reading and I never really understood it's appeal. However, the more I read the more curious I became.

In 2011 I started hearing about people reading the ARC copies for Juliet Immortal. A twisted Romeo and Juliet story sounded like the type of YA paranormal romance I could read- you know exactly what you're getting into. So I entered every contest to win it and read the not-so-spoiler reviews hoping I would finally get the chance to read it.

Needless to say I didn't win, and the more YA I read, the more I wished I had spend my time reading adult paranormal romance. Then this Valentine's day, a local bookstore in town hosted a facebook giveaway for good ol' Juliet Immortal. I was one of four people to enter the contest, and probably the only one who knew what the book was even about. Of course, I didn't win this giveaway either. So there I was all mopey on Valentine's day without a quick-read guilty YA pleasure.

The next night I came home from the gym and my incredibly thoughtful boyfriend handed me a copy that had just gone out an purchased :)

This was a great Valentine's read. It was super fun to read and I absolutely love the re-creation of what really happened to Romeo and Juliet. This book is exactly what I thought it was going to be, and it filled my every YA paranormal romance craving!